Delivering Growth

The UK Government says that its priority is growth.  At its core, growth is about creating private jobs, combined with increased public sector productivity.

Our experience of the Levelling Up Fund and delivering regeneration schemes, confirms the important role of local authorities in planning for and delivering growth, in their economic area.

The longer-term ambitions of the Devolution White Paper should not defer the need for local growth planning, now.  In addition, the UK Government’s reforms and ambitious housing targets, require local authorities to plan for the delivery of enhanced infrastructure, for example, GP surgeries and health hubs, resulting from the Government’s ‘golden rules’. Leveraging the housing section 106 receipts, requires integrated planning between the local authorities, and for health hubs, the local NHS trusts.

A proactive approach to the creation of Local Growth Plans, at all local authority levels, will create action on growth now and set five- and 10-year growth key performance indicators.  Also, this will enable the brownfield and grey belt sites to be brought forward in planning terms, to deliver the housing targets and the enhanced infrastructure.

The local authorities that get ahead with their growth planning and manage delivery risks will have first pickings at the infrastructure and property funds, both private and public, that are available and keen to invest.

For clarity, we have set out our approach to Local Growth Plans, in a six-step process, below.









Please do contact us, if you would like to discuss further.